Application of AWAC in Hydrographic in Huanghua Port and the Comparative Analysis for AWAC and Ocean Current Instrument AWAC应用及其与海流计的比较分析
The comparative measurement of ADCP with traditional current velocity instrument is worth to study, for which is the basic of widely apply ADCP in flow measurement. ADCP测流具有快捷、方便等优点,ADCP测流方法、及其与常规流速仪对比测试是一个值得研究的课题,也是全面推进ADCP在测流中应用的基础。
The results of comparative measuring tests from an UV-VIS spectrophotometer and our self-developed instrument respectively indicate that the maximum deviation between them was 0.418%, the minimum 0.098%, and the mean 0.220%, which satisfied the accuracy request of amylose content measurement. 将其与TU1800紫外可见分光光度计进行技术性能和使用效果对比,测定的数据最大偏差为0.418%,最小偏差为0.098%,平均偏差为0.220%,完全能满足大米直链淀粉测定精度的要求。
The comparative analysis between urine analysis instrument and microscopic examination method in testing urine WBC 尿液分析仪和显微镜镜检法检测尿液WBC对比分析
ICP-AES was applied to the determination of 20 elements in chestnut samples grown in 3 different areas in China and a comparative study of their contents were made. Conditions of sample dissolution and working parameters of the instrument were studied and optimized. 应用ICP-AES测定了我国三个不同地域生长的板栗中20种无机元素的含量并作了成分的比较研究,对试样的溶解条件及仪器的工作参数也进行了研究和优化。
Comparative Study of Traditional Experimental Instrument and Intelligent Experimental Facility 传统实验仪器与智能化实验装置比较研究
Comparative Study on Negotiable Instrument Laws 票据法律适用法比较研究
The result of comparative research with measure method of the grey melting point instrument and GX-high temperature material physical capability instrument indicated that the crucible method is the suitable method on representation and stability. 与灰熔点仪法和GX-高温物性测试仪法进行对比研究,表明在测定结果的稳定性和代表性方面,坩埚法是目前结晶器保护渣熔化速度测定的合适方法。
From the view of comparative jurisprudence, the paper analyses the features of the right to defense in commercial instrument law on the basis of clarifying its implication and the differences between it and some relevant conceptions. 本文在澄清票据抗辩权和相关概念的含义及区别之基础上,从比较法的角度,分析了票据抗辩权的特征;
This article introduces using comparative measuring method with Double Flank Gear Rolling Tester to measure the 1/ 2 M value, and then calculates d2 mid-diameter, without any special measuring tools and instrument. 本文介绍在没有专用量具、量仪的条件下,在双面啮合综合检查仪上用比较测量法,测出三槽丝锥的1/2M值,然后计算出中径d2的方法。
A comparative study of subgingival scaling and root planing using ultrasonic and manual instrument 超声器械根面平整的疗效观察
This article aims to present a comparative study of the differences between traditional experimental instrument and intelligent experimental facility in teaching and research and suggest ways to make good use of the two experimental equipments abundantly. 通过对传统实验仪器与智能化实验装置在实验教学与研究中不同作用的比较分析,论述了如何在不同的实验目的下,最大限度地利用两种实验设备来服务于实验教学与研究。
Comparative Test of the Laser-beam Instrument for Analyzing Silt Particle 激光泥沙颗粒分析仪的比测试验分析
The research also proves that Fairclough s three-dimensional model is applicable in the comparative study of news reports from different sources and the framework of CDA is a powerful instrument to uncover the relationship between language and ideology. 此外,该研究也进一步证实了费尔克拉夫的三维模型在进行新闻语篇的对比分析时具有广泛的可行性,批评语篇分析更是揭示语言和意识形态关系的强有力工具。